Our Favorites Close to Home
Since our inception, we’ve worked around the clock to expand our causes and help those who need our help. Every contribution goes toward making our world a better place, working with other like minded organizations like the ones below has been a great part of our foundation. We wanted to share a bit about each of them as our way of showing appreciation for their hard work and efforts in all they do!
Their Mission
Summit Assistance Dogs is a nonprofit organization that creates life-changing partnerships by providing highly-skilled mobility service dogs for people living with disabilities in the Pacific Northwest.
By assisting with tasks such as retrieving items, opening and closing doors, and turning switches on and off, our dogs help their partners live with greater independence and confidence. These companions can also help diminish depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

Their Mission
PAWS is people helping cats, dogs and wild animals go home and thrive – whether home is the family room or the forest. We do this by rehabilitating orphaned and injured wildlife, sheltering and adopting homeless cats and dogs, and educating the community to inspire compassionate action for animals.
Their Mission
The Foundation for Nager and Miller syndromes (FNMS) is a parent run volunteer organization with a 501(c)(3) charity status providing support, information and networking opportunities to families affected by either of the two syndromes that we represent. FNMS helps families dealing with these extremely rare genetic conditions go from surviving to thriving. We offer brochures, newsletters and medical articles to our membership and host international family conferences supported through various fundraisers. ALL DONATIONS go directly to the cause as FNMS is 100% volunteer run and operates from a home office. CONTRIBUTIONS ARE NOT SPENT ON SALARIES OR RENTS.