Supporting women and children affected by albinism Uganda
The story of WACWAU (Women and Children affected by Albinism Uganda) is another one of our be in the right place at the right time connection stories.
While we were visiting Summit Assistance Dogs we shared the story of how 7 Wandering Backpacks came to be. Nicole, a member of Summit's organization, shared about her friend Monica, who has a lifelong mission to teach women to make their talents and trades profitable. This creates stability and the ability to thrive within their communities. In this way they are able to support themselves, their children, and their communities. This promotes strength, value, and education within the home, setting themselves and their children up for success. Nicole later gave Monica our information.
Soon after we received our first email from Monica. She learned and found her passion in the Peace Corps. Currently she works with the WACWAU organization. She has trained and helped the women start their own social enterprise, Mama Mzungu, homemade organic soaps and balms. these women and children live in some of the most dire situations that you can imagine. " People with Albinism experience human rights violations and abuses. Their economic, political, social and cultural rights are often compromised in devastating ways. Societal ignorance about Albinism has contributed to exclusion, stigmatization and the denial of basic rights such as education and health. A broad misunderstanding has also endangered their lives. In everyday life, persons with Albinism, particularly women and children, are frequently treated less than human and are not considered capable of achieving anything." WACWAU.com
Over the past year we have continued to build a relationship with Monica, Doreen, and Diana (the directors of WACWAU) in hopes to help relieve some of the burdens that arise with skin, eyes, and educational topics. We were also able to help them purchase a plot of land in order for them to expand their living and working environment. The living conditions for them are of a communal style. They can also grow food on the land and have great hopes for the future to build a couple of ecolodges on the property in order to accommodate visitors that come to help or learn with the group.
What these women have been able to accomplish is nothing short of incredible. We look forward to working side by side with them and building lifelong relationships. Their dreams are great and their hearts are strong!